About Us The Hungarian Academy of Sciences Milán Füst Translation Foundation was set up in 1989, in accordance with the public covenant and last will and testament of Mrs Milán Füst, née Erzsébet Helfer, and based on these, with the decree on the transfer of assets issued by the Budapest Office of Government Notaries. The assets of the HAS Milán Füst Foundation are, as attested by Decree No. 1.Kjö.II.8035/1987/12 on the transfer of the assets issued by the Budapest Office of Government Notaries, ‘the legator’s entire estate’. The Foundation is self-supporting; it receives no financial support from the Hungarian state or from any state organ, institution or from any private individual. Contact details MTA Füst Milán Fordítói Alapítvány / HAS Milán Füst Foundation H-1053 Budapest Ferenciek tere 4 II/1. Contact person: Dr Edit Rőder, member of the Board of Trustees Fax: +36 1 200-1871 e-mail:
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Objectives The Foundation aims - to advance knowledge of Hungarian poetry and prose literature for European and non-European peoples through high-standard, artistic translations of Hungarian literature;
- to distribute grants to authors who write critical works introducing the history, or a period, or a major poet or writer, of Hungarian literature, provided that such works are also published in a foreign language; and
- to promote Milán Füst’s literary oeuvre, to provide support for authors of bibliographies or scholarly works on his oeuvre, and for activity aimed at popularising and performing Milán Füst’s prose and poetry.
Board of Trustees, Exercise of Copyright In accordance with the public covenant and the last will and testament of Mrs Milán Füst, née Erzsébet Helfer, the work of the Foundation is directed by a Board of Trustees consisting of three members. One board member, the chairman, is nominated by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), another is delegated by the Artisjus Copyright Office and the third has been delegated by Mrs Milán Füst, née Erzsébet Helfer. The Board of Trustees elects its own Chairman. The mandate of the Board of Trustees is for an indefinite time. The first Chairman of the Board was Dr Miklós Szabolcsi, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; its other members were Dr György Boytha, professor of jurisprudence, and Dr Edit Rőder, attorney-at-law. Dr Edit Rőder was delegated to the Board of Trustees personally by Mrs Milán Füst, née Erzsébet Helfer, who commissioned her to draw up the deed of foundation and appointed her executor of her will. She also mandated her to prepare, following the handover of assets, the Foundation’s statutes and to participate in the activity of the Board of Trustees as her personal delegate. Additionally, Mrs Füst empowered Dr Edit Rőder to designate her successor, should she prove unable to perform her duties as a Trustee for any reason.  
Dr. Rőder Edit kurátor | Dr.Boytha Gyorgy kurátor
| Visoczki Istvánné gazdasági megbízott
The HAS Milán Füst Translation Foundation is the legal holder of Milán Füst’s copyrights. In the case of works already published, the copyrights of Milán Füst’s works with regard to publication, translation, performance, radio or television broadcast and internet access or any other public use are exercised by Dr Edit Rőder, attorney-at-law; in the case of hitherto unpublished works, such rights are exercised by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The first Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Academician Prof Dr Miklós Szabolcsi, died on 2 September 2000. On 18 December 2000, at the grant-awarding ceremony held in the Academy Club at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dr Edit Rőder, member of the Board of Trustees, gave a commemorative address regarding the deceased Chairman, Prof Dr Miklós Szabolcsi. On 27 October 2000, Ferenc Glatz, then President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, nominated Prof Dr György Bodnár, retired director of the Academy’s Institute of Literary Sciences and an advisor to this Institute, for the post of Chairman as successor to Prof Dr Miklós Szabolcsi. At the session of the Board of Trustees held in 30 October 2000, following nomination by Ferenc Glatz, members of the Board of Trustees György Boytha and Edit Rőder unanimously elected Prof György Bodnár Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the HAS Milán Füst Translation Foundation. György Bodnár died on 29 October 2008. At his funeral on 7 November 2008, Dr Edit Rőder gave a commemorative address on behalf of the HAS Milán Füst Translation Foundation . József Pálinkás, current President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is entitled to nominate a new Board member to replace the deceased member György Bodnár. In accordance with the deed of foundation, the Board of Trustees will, following nomination by him, elect a new Chairman from among its members. |